Top 20 NuGet router Packages

WebSockets with TreeRouter convenience
WebSockets with TreeRouter convenience
A XML serialization support for the Message.Router library.
A NetMQ support for the Message.Router library.
A JSON serialization support for the Message.Router library.
The embeddable, unopinionated minimalist rest framework for .NET
Break through the NAT barrier. Create a public address for your home server.
Northwind Starter Kit
Northwind Starter Kit VIsual Basic
Express.js style web application framework for .NET
load balancing router for distributed system
Re-Package of Angular UI Modules
Lightweight JavaScript router for implementation client side part of SPA
GodletRouter is a HTTP request multiplexer. It matches the URL of each incoming request against a list of registered patterns and calls the handler for the pattern that most closely matches the URL.
Check you network environment.
Android com.aliyun.iot.aep.sdk:router for Xamarin.Android
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