Top 20 NuGet roslyn Packages

A simple Cake addin for invoking Scripty to run Roslyn-powered C# scripts for code generation.
F# Active pattern functions for Roslyn Compiler Platform
Quick fixes for NSubstitute mocking library.
provides diagnostics and code fixes for uninitialized private fields.
This package provides code fix for string properties inside model classes, Datetime fix, float/double decimal point restrictions and dictinory variables
Modefy by wuxf .Add methods lines checked
Replacement CodeDOM providers that use the new .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") compiler as a service APIs. This provides support for new language features in systems using CodeDOM (e.g. ASP.NET runtime compilation) as well as improving the compilation performance of these systems.
Roslyn analyzer for enforcing null contracts
A diagnostic analyzer for common EntityFramework performance issues.
Public API for PS.Build adaptation toolchain.
PS.Build adaptation toolchain engine.
DiConstructorGeneratorExtension for Visual Studio companion library. Containins marker attributes to include\exclude class members to be used with extesnion. The extension itself is available at
Contains a set of useful analyzers for C#. Requires at least VS2017. For a list of all the analyzers see
Implementation for document processing using the Roslyn compiler
Diagnostics analyzer: when interpolated string ($"...") is used as an object, will force it to be cast to FormattableString (this will preserve raw data values and is very useful, for example, when unit testing log messages).
Analyzer show warning if your classes, properties, variables etc. contains non-ASCII symbols.