Top 20 NuGet revit Packages

The Software Development Toolkit (SDK) provides extensive .NET code samples and documentation to help you get started developing with the Revit API.
ModPlus plugin windows (WPF) design library
Part of Onbox Framework
Part of Onbox Framework
Part of Onbox Framework
Part of Onbox Framework
ModPlus nuke plugin build targets
Revit API Entity mapper based on LINQ Expressions.
The Revit Test Framework (RTF) allows you to conduct remote unit testing on Revit. RTF takes care of creating a journal file for running revit which can specify a model to start Revit, and a specific test or fixture of tests to Run. You can even specify a model to open before testing and RTF will do...
References to Revit 2019 to 2024 assemblies
ModPlus initialization loading module in Revit. The main ModPlus module for Revit, which is loaded first and loads the necessary plugins, auxiliary libraries. Contains some common helper methods
ModPlus initialization loading module in Revit. The main ModPlus module for Revit, which is loaded first and loads the necessary plugins, auxiliary libraries. Contains some common helper methods
ModPlus initialization loading module in Revit. The main ModPlus module for Revit, which is loaded first and loads the necessary plugins, auxiliary libraries. Contains some common helper methods
ModPlus initialization loading module in Revit. The main ModPlus module for Revit, which is loaded first and loads the necessary plugins, auxiliary libraries. Contains some common helper methods
ModPlus initialization loading module in Revit. The main ModPlus module for Revit, which is loaded first and loads the necessary plugins, auxiliary libraries. Contains some common helper methods
Revit 2023 RevitApiUI x64 dll
Revit 2023 RevitApi x64 dll
Revit 2017 addin common fx library.
Revit API libraries for quick project integration