Top 20 NuGet retry Packages

Polly.Net40Async is a version of the Polly library for .NET 4.0 with async support via Microsoft.Bcl.Async. Polly allows developers to express resilience policies such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, and Fallback in a fluent and thread-safe manner.
Provides an implementation of the messaging gateway for decoupled invocation in the Paramore.Brighter pipeline, using RabbitMQ presents a library that provides extensions to ChannelAdam.Wcf for supporting the Microsoft Practices TransientFaultHandling.Core library's RetryPolicy.
A .NET library that provides an abstraction for implementing retry policies.
A collection of useful data and execution extensions for Bridge.NET
An API for the Data Access Layer using Dapper
The Command Dispatcher pattern is an addition to the Command design pattern that decouples the dispatcher for a service from its execution. A Command Dispatcher component maps commands to handlers. A Command Processor pattern provides a framework for handling orthogonal concerns such as logging, ti...
Polly.Net40Async is a version of the Polly library for .NET 4.0 with async support via Microsoft.Bcl.Async. Polly allows developers to express resilience policies such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, and Fallback in a fluent and thread-safe manner.
Sumo.Retry provides several types of retry policy, lambda based WithRetry extension methods and a RetryProxy based on System.Reflection.DispatchProxy.
Trybot is a transient fault handling framework including such bots as Retry, Timeout, Fallback and Circuit Breaker.
SharpRetry is a simple and powerful library to create retry policies for your .net application. Create a policy once and use it everywhere in your system to make async calls in an easy and unit testable way.
Dynamics CRM Enhanced Organisation Service is an extension to the out-of-the-box IOrganizationService. It supports pooling, transactions, deferred execution, caching, load balancing, and auto retry.
Provides transient error detection strategies for adding retry logic into your HttpClient calls, a UrlBuilder to help simplify building complex URLs, and additional extensions for working with HttpClient.
Provides support for working with Polly policies, including a strategy for resilient database queries.
npgsql + dapper, simple retrying and migrations
Concrete Implementations for the H.Necessaire Notifications API
An API for the Data Serialization
Enterprise Library Transient Fault Handling Application Block
Enterprise Library Transient Fault Handling Application Block