Top 20 NuGet resx Packages

ResxConverter.CLI is a tool that helps convert Resx files to any format.
ResxConverter.Core is a tool that helps convert Resx files to any format.
ResxConverter.Mobile is a tool that helps convert Resx files to android and ios.
Share resx file to Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS projects.
Build cross-platform multilingual applications with Xamarin.Forms using the built-in .NET localization framework.
LocalizationExtension is a really easy way to localize any type of DependencyProperties or native Properties on DependencyObjects (This is a fork to support .net core 3.1)
Localize from PCL. This package contains localization resource generator. See the github page for help.
Localize from PCL using Excel files. This package contains localization resource generator. See the help page.
Multilingual user interface string database
A .NET library that converts a Resx code into C# code.
System.Resources.ResXResourceReader and System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter separated from System.Windows.Forms and packaged for .Net Standard. These classes are the baked-in .NET classes to programmatically read/update a ResX file.
Adds a T4 template to your C# project that, when transformed, generates a strongly-typed wrapper around every Resource File (*.resx) in the project. Useful for eliminating magic strings and where localizable Attributes are needed. See for more details.
RESXManager addon
Transform all ResX files in a project into a strongly typed, compiled assembly. Access your translations directly from inside .cshtml & .aspx files. Bind your translations directly to a ViewModel. Use it again in your dlls to return localized error messages. Pull translations directly into localized...
Creates a class to access resx strings with named parameters and provides access to the resource keys to use with attribute-based validations. Features - Exposes resource entries format parameters as named method arguments - Exposes resource keys as constants to use in attribute-based validat...
Converts the resx files in the project to corresponding .json files. The JSON will also contain the lcid and lang name, eg : en-us and 1033
Converts the resx files in the project to corresponding .js files.
Converts the resx files in the project to pseudo-loc resx file. lcid and lang name, eg : qps-ploc and 0501
Localize from PCL. This package contains PclResMan for settings the current culture
Simple ResX reader/writer