Top 20 NuGet regression Packages

Extreme Optimization Numerical Libraries for .NET F# interface library.
Data Access Library for reading and writing files in commonly used formats including: R, Matlab, Text (CSV, delimited, fixed width), matrix market, stata. Part of the Extreme Optimization Numerical Libraries for .NET.
ChartDirector is a charting library with extensive chart types, real-time charts, track cursors, hot spots, large data sets, zoom/scroll and viewports. ChartDirector supports both .NET and .NET Framework, and can be used for both web (ASP.NET) and desktop (Windows Forms/WPF) applications.
F# package for fitting Gaussian process regression models.
LibSVMsharp is a simple and easy-to-use C# wrapper for Support Vector Machines. This library uses LibSVM version 3.23 with x64 support, released on 15th of July in 2018. For more information:
SimpleML provides implementations of basic machine learning algorithms.
LibSVM Port in C# With Easy-to-use Models
Linear regression classification
A library for producing diffs of images with highlighting.
Extreme Optimization Numerical Libraries for .NET Single-Precision P/Invoke MKL Provider for Linux.
Extreme Optimization Numerical Libraries for .NET P/Invoke MKL Provider for Linux.
Machine learning library for .Net and Mono. Currently has Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Ridge Regression/Classifier, Svm classifier. Initially it is port of popular Scikit-learn machine learning python library and has very close design. Sharpkit.Learn is based on the state of t...
.NET Library for calculations in the area of predictive analytics. It contains relevant methods of the machine learning context such as nonlinear regressions, clustering and multivariate statistics.
An easy to use regression library with flexible data preprocessing
A liblinear and libsvm wrapper for .NET written in C++/CLI for maximum performance.
A liblinear and libsvm wrapper for .NET written in C++/CLI for maximum performance.
A liblinear and libsvm wrapper for .NET written in C++/CLI for maximum performance.
A liblinear and libsvm wrapper for .NET written in C++/CLI for maximum performance.
A liblinear and libsvm wrapper for .NET written in C++/CLI for maximum performance.
A liblinear and libsvm wrapper for .NET written in C++/CLI for maximum performance.