Top 20 NuGet redis Packages

A parser of Redis MONITOR output.
.NET bindings for the Redis C client Hiredis.
Implementation of common .NET collection types (i.e IDictionary, ISet, IList) via abstraction over StackExchange.Redis
Brake Pedal is a general purpose throttling library. The library provides the following features: - Time based throttling: limit X number of requests over Y time period. - Locking: block requests after X attempts over Y time period for Z time period. - Decoupled storage: you can use the bundled rep...
A contab scheduler with support for Redis
Redis Store for the SimpleEventMonitor
JV.DotNetCore.Extensions.Logging.Logstash Class Library
Custom session state provider for redis cache.
Distributed cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache using Redis. Core 1.0.0 中扩展Session写入Redis
Distributed cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache using Redis.
cache dll
Redis cache implementation for Stark applications.
Use Redis to store conversation state in Microsoft Bot Framework
MassTransit Redis Saga persistence support;
Custom session state provider for redis cache.