Top 20 NuGet real-time Packages

A pure C# implementation of the WAMP v1 specification. Works with .NET 4.5 and as a PCL with win8.1, wp8.1.
Adds real-time functionalities to tasks and dashboard using Pusher
Incredibly simple real-time web for .NET. This package pulls in the server components and JavaScript client required to use SignalR in an ASP.NET application.
Cross platform wrapper of Yolo/Darknet (Real-Time Object Detection) for CSharp. Only GPU with CUDA computation available. Need OpenCVSharp-AnyCPU in the version For more information :
Real-time chat server based on MongoDB and SignalR with support of permissions.
This package includes the community version of WebSync Server plus the code from the WebClient example to get started. I use John Moss' WebSync Server Starter Kit and update to WebSync Server
Bu, ASP.NET SignalR için Türkçe yardımcı derlemelerin meta paketidir.
这是 ASP.NET SignalR 简体中文附属程序集的元程序包。
這是 ASP.NET SignalR 繁體中文附屬組件的中繼套件。
Это метапакет для русских вспомогательных сборок для ASP.NET SignalR.
ASP.NET SignalR용 한국어 위성 어셈블리에 대한 메타패키지입니다.
Jest to metapakiet zestawów satelickich dla języka polskiego dotyczących produktu ASP.NET SignalR.
Este é um pacote meta para os assemblies satélite Português-BR do ASP.NET SignalR
Toto je metabalíček pro česká satelitní sestavení pro ASP.NET SignalR.
Dies ist ein Metapaket für die deutschen Satellitenassemblys für ASP.NET SignalR.
Metapaquete para los ensamblados satélite en español para ASP.NET SignalR.
Il s’agit d’un méta-package pour les assemblys satellites en français pour ASP.NET SignalR.
This package depends on all the the i18n satellite assemblies for ASP.NET SignalR.
Meta pacchetto per gli assembly satellite di ASP.NET SignalR per l'italiano.
これは、ASP.NET SignalR の日本語サテライト アセンブリのメタパッケージです。