Top 20 NuGet reactive Packages

ReactorUI is .NET UI framework for building cross-platform desktop application heavily inspired to Reactjs and Flutter. This is the Skia based backend.
Do not use for production. This library is a playground to test an alternative AsyncObservable API.
SFTP extensions for Etl.Net
XML files extensions for Etl.Net
Generic Repository Pattern implemented for EFCore 3.1 and .Net standart 2.1. Content: Fix package DI Fix access cache and more...
Exposes GIT functionality through observables..
Exposes GIT functionality through observables..
Observable application metrics
WPF-specific platform services for the Karambolo.ReactiveMvvm library.
WinForms-specific platform services for the Karambolo.ReactiveMvvm library.
Avalonia-specific platform services for the Karambolo.ReactiveMvvm library.
A light weight .NET Standard library that provides a DisposeWith extension method to IDisposable objects. This is an alternative to the method provided by ReativeUI, allowing for a much smaller library dependency.
Push stream (IObservable) and async/await (Task) abstraction for processes. Observe processes like event streams.
EntityFrameworkCore.Rx integration library for .NET Core Service Workers
EntityFrameworkCore.Rx integration library for ASP.NET Core
Functional, Declarative and Reactive Extensions for MVVM & MVC patterns A (mostly) unopinionated, light-weight alternative to ReactiveUI provided as a library _not a framework_.
Extensions to use Reactive observable in SignalR streams