Top 20 NuGet rss Packages
[4.5, RT8, WP8, WP81]
RssReader has a useful RssHelper module allowing you reading every standard RssFeed 2.0 or AtomPub in a simple way.
Supports async/await pattern.
Supports PRISM RDF Site Summary
The Crawler-Lib Engine Test Helper simplifies the test of tasks.
It can be used to develop unit tests and integration tests for tasks.
A .NET wrapper for API
HigLabo Library of Rss for .NET4.0
A very standard and simple RSS Library with C# Language
Rss binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Implementation of the data sources provided by Windows AppStudio. This library enable access to different data source like RSS, Bing, Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
API to retrieve podcast data from the iTunes Podcast service.
ASPNETCore Middleware for generating RSS Feeds
iTunes Podcast Finder is a .NET Standard 2.0 library that allows you to search for podcasts through the iTunes API and get episodes of podcasts from the RSS feed.
Adds an RSS data source to Our.Umbraco.Community.ContentList
EasyTorrents provides build-in torrent scanners, synchronous and asynchronous searching and custom torrent scanners. EasyTorrent will help you find the torrents you are looking for.
This project was designed to add functionality to Microsoft's ASP.NET MVC Framework v4+
RssHelper module allow you writing a RSS feed v2.0 to any Stream or HttpResponse
Valid RSS feed!
q: [email protected]
dynamic obj = DynamicParser.Parse(xml);
Assert.IsTrue((string)obj.product.description == "Cardigan Sweater");
foreach (dynamic catalog in obj.product.catalog_item...
プログラミング生放送のすぱこーRSSフィードを、簡単に読み込むことができるライブラリです。(for ユニバーサルWindows)
プログラミング生放送のすぱこーRSSフィードを、簡単に読み込むことができるライブラリです。 (for .NET Framework 4.5、Xamarin、Windows 8.x、Windows Phone 8.1、ASP.NET Core 5.0)
Includes the retrieving of data from multiple websites' RSS feeds. Some included are GoogleNews, Reddit, TheGuardian and Yahoo.
Additionally, the package stores a lot of information regarding all the entries in each feed. It is very convenient to parse through ,for example, specific site's news' t...
A library to generate feeds such as RSS and Atom.