Top 20 NuGet rest Packages

Add WinForms support to Dapplo.HttpExtensions
HTML, JSON, XML, SQL, and text parser for Komodo. Please either install Komodo.Daemon to integrate search within your application, or Komodo.Server to run a standalone server. Komodo is an information search, metadata, storage, and retrieval platform.
Trimble Identity OAuth2 Password Credentials Provider implementation to be used in headless apps and tests and server side integrations.
Trimble Identity OAuth2 Authorization Code Credentials Provider implementation to be used in interactive mobile and desktop applications.
Trimble Identity OAuth2 protocol implementation for non interactive workflows.
C# SDK for Alpaca Trade API
.NET client for Snowflake DB REST API. Provides straightforward and efficient way to execute SQL queries in Snowflake and automatically map response to your models.
The CompaniesHouse extensions for ASP.NET Core
Elsa is a set of workflow libraries and tools that enable lean and mean workflowing capabilities in any .NET Core application. This package provides a client using Refit for Elsa's REST API endpoints.
BitMax.Net is a .Net wrapper for the BitMax API. It includes all features the API provides, REST API and Websocket, using clear and readable objects including but not limited to Reading market info, placing and managing orders and reading balances and funds
Program in C# . the exec prog uses the REST API end point : /rest/api/2/groupuserpicker?query=. It extracts all JIRA, users, groups, name, emailadress matching a specific string and parse them in a json file (Json formated) & in a text formated file. (Rest API from Jira Server platform REST API ...
The exec program & the routine : GetUsersDetailFromGroup returns a list of objects (objects of type Group) List<GroupInfo> & write result to file (Json style) : List-Details-from-group-{0}.txt" & write result to file (text file) : List-accounts-from-group-{0}.txt" Details...
Unofficial Rest Client for
(Unfinished, Work in Progress) Unofficial Rest Client for
(Unfinished, Work in Progress) Unofficial Rest Client for
RESTful API Documentation for ASP.NET Web API 2.
Binaries for the StackExpress web framework. Visit and for walk throughs and docs on creating your first web service.
Tiny.RestClient facilitates the dialog between your API and your application. It hides all the complexity of communication, deserialisation ... Features : * Modern async http client for REST API. * Support of verbs : GET, POST , PUT, DELETE, PATCH and custom http verbs * Sup...
The official Stormpath SDK for .NET. Don't install this package directly; install the Stormpath.SDK package unless you are bringing your own JSON serializer and HTTP client plugins.
Converts WCF service contracts to WebApi