Top 20 NuGet query Packages

Jql is a url friendly query language which has the capability to directly generate a linq expression.
Contains extensions for HttpClient to simplify GET, POST, PUT and DELETE calls. Also contains utility to convert object to query string
Client to connect on BitWise Service Engine and perform bitwise queries on object collections.
Support for integration with MiniProfiler
Package Description
.NET Data and Database Extensions
XML Query Library by one liner.
A .NET library that provides query objects for filtering and sorting entities.
jSQL facilitates the query, update and delete of items, in an array of plain objects, using JavaScript and SQL like syntax. * SQL like syntax * SQL feature implementation: Join, Left Join, Select [Distinct] [Top], Where, Group By, Having, Aggregate functions, Order By [Desc], Update and Delete * Us...
A library to help convert search criterias into a Linq expression.
Allows you to create your SQL queries in an object oriented approach.
A Source Server Query Library
Building queries with Lucene's API can be a bit of a pain, if not at least verbose. This library tries to make writing queries as simple as possible using the Fluent interface pattern.
SQL Query Modeller and Compiler with Fluent Interface
Decompile property getters for supporting computed columns on LINQ. Uses the ashming expressive decompiler library
A small framework used to transform MDX queries into simple strongly-typed form. It allows to edit queries using Fluent API and includes parser to translate string-form query into object. Author: Tomas Maconko. For more information check this link:
SharePoint CAML query builder - Build CAML queries using Lambda Expression with simple POCOs.
Interfaces and base implementation for the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern.
A simplistic ADO.NET wrapper.
Code generation tool for SQL Server sprocs