Top 20 NuGet quartz Packages

Quartz Admin allows you to fire up a UI web interface to manage your Quartz scheduler. It's plug and play all you have to do is pass it on your scheduler instance and it will pull all your jobs from it. - View all the jobs together with the schedule - Execute jobs on demand - List triggers
A helper for Quartz.Net.Make it easier to use Quartz in .Net Application.
A fork of Quartz.Plugins.RecentHistory. This is supporting package for Quartzmin
A package to help you use Quartz.NET in Asp.Net core by DI easily
This is supporting package for Quartzmin
ScheduleMaster task entry.
Ninject.Extensions.Quartz provides a Quartz JobFactory to create your Quartz jobs from your Ninject IoC container
R Scheduler Contracts
[This is a fork, credit goes to Mark and Lewis] Ninject.Extensions.Quartz provides a Quartz JobFactory to create your Quartz jobs from your Ninject IoC container
Compact based library for quick integration of task scheduling into you app.
IMPORTANT: This package has been deprecated! Use Abp.Quartz instead.
The package allows to link Topshelf, Quartz and Autofac altogether