Top 20 NuGet python Packages

Some general useful extension methods for .NET 4.0 or above
Some web useful extension methods for .NET 4.0 or above
Some testing useful extension methods for .NET 4.0 or above
Python 3.5 API
Nequeo management python component
DeepEnds is a tool written by Zeb Mason to perform dependency analysis on code in a hierarchical manner. It produces DGML files for visualisation of graphs within Visual Studio and computes various metrics which can be placed in a CSV file or a HTML report. The HTML report can be generated ...
Python2.7 unofficial dev environment package x64 and x86
Python 3.6 API
Serializes and deserializes to the Feather format ( for interop with Python and R.
Python 2.7 build for iOS.
Python 2.7 build for android.
Python 3.7 API
Provides comfortable interface for executing Python scripts in C#, based on extended IronPython.
Dynamic Scripting Language in C#