Top 20 NuGet provider Packages

Proveedor personalizado de Session State basado en MongoDB.
Globalization package for ASP.NET MVC applications. The package contains the database resource provider model, which allows you to store resources in database in a really easy way. What is more, a dedicated online tool ( can be used to localize resources.
Contains implementations for Wif - Aware SiteMap Providers and Navigation Helpers.
Compatibility library designed to allow using DynamicStore as backing storage for Peasy.NET projects
Nequeo Xml authorisation provider component
Lykke libriary for sending serialized emails to the blob storage and adding events in azure storage
Deploys the NCache Session State Provider in an ASP.NET web application for .NET Framework. The services include complete session management module to replace the default ASP.NET Core session management with additional NCache exclusive features such as session locking that follows the flow of conven...
NCache 5.0 provides a cache provider for NHibernate and transforms its stand-alone InProc cache into a distributed cache. As you know, if your application is using NHibernate and running in a multi-server environment, the NHibernate stand-alone cache won't work because it does not synchronize the ca...
CHIMP software providers
CHIMP product providers API
CHIMP crypto providers API
CHIMP category provider API
CHIMP category providers
CHIMP boot/script providers API
CHIMP software metadata providers API