Top 20 NuGet popup Packages

Create your own DisplayAlerts using XAML, or use the DisplayAlerts,LoaderDialogs and LoginViews that's included! Powered by AsyncAwaitBestPractices and Rg.Plugins.Popup
A JavaScript free Toast library for Blazor and Razor Components applications.
Implement a toast notification for WinRT (UAP, Windows 8 & Windows Phone), Silverlight & WPF applications. This control is similar to a toast notification but it's not. You can set duration, style, logo, text content & animation of the notification. Available animations: LeftToLeft, LeftToRight, Ri...
jQuery lightbox and modal window plugin
THIS PACKAGE IS OBSOLETE. Please switch to the officially maintained NuGet package: Hardcodet.NotifyIcon.WPF This is an implementation of a NotifyIcon (aka system tray icon or taskbar icon) for the WPF platform. It does not just rely on the Windows Forms NotifyIcon component, but is a purely inde...
Abstracts native components to provide a simple popup menu on each platform.
🌀 Xamarin.Android Binding for Skydoves' PowerSpinner, a lightweight Android dropdown popup spinner with an arrow and animations.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Saleh Yarahmadi's AndExAlertDialog, a beautiful alert dialog android library like iOS dialog
WPF Control library for Toast Popup and Help Balloon.
Android dialog with arrow indicator in the location where you want
Easily show image list (url or drawable) in dialog.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Hamza Ahmed Khan's SpinnerDialog, an Android Spinner Dialog Library supported on both Java and Kotlin, Use for single or multi selection of choice
Xamarin.Android Binding for Natario1's Autocomplete, simple yet powerful autocomplete behavior for EditTexts, to avoid working with MultiAutoCompleteTextView APIs.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Skydoves' PowerMenu, 🔥 The powerful and easiest way to implement modern material popup menu.
Xamarin.Android Bindings for Skydoves' Balloon. A lightweight popup like tooltips, fully customizable with arrow and animations
Xamarin.Android Binding for Candrea Eusebiu's ToolTipPopupWordTV, an Open Source Android library that allows developers to easily open a popup with details by select a word from a TextView.
contains the implemetation of a fully implemeted Popup Control and templatable Picker for Xamarin Forms
Donky.Messaging.Rich.PopupUI.Android -Pre: PopupUI for Donky Rich Messaging