Top 20 NuGet plugin Packages

Lightweight cross platform WebView designed to leverage the native WebView components in Android, iOS, and Windows to provide enhanced functionality over the base control.
An implementation of a modular approach to EF Core, allowing independent modules of an application to coexist in a single database with no crosstalk and intuitive dependencies.
This package includes WEBCON BPS 2020 assemblies required to develop SDK SharePoint UI plugins for WEBCON BPS 2020. You can use this package to develop the following types of plugins: -ItemListExtension -CustomControl -FormFieldExtension
SmartRefresh.Layout Binding for Xamarin Android. Commonly Used Types: com.scwang.smartrefresh.layout.SmartRefreshLayout -> Com.Scwang.Smartrefresh.Layout.SmartRefreshLayout com.scwang.smartrefresh.layout.header.ClassicsHeader -> Com.Scwang.Sma...
SmartRefresh.Header Binding for Xamarin Android. Commonly Used Types: com.scwang.smartrefresh.header.BezierCircleHeader -> Com.Scwang.Smartrefresh.Header.BezierCircleHeader
A multiverse plugin from OpenAPI
Detectar texto dentro de una imagen.
Initial commit with Android and Apple store check
Manage synchronous event ranks.
Cross platform plugin
Roslyn catalog for Plugin Framework allows you to use Roslyn scripts as plugins with Plugin Framework.
NuGet catalog for Plugin Framework allows you to use NuGet packages as plugins with Plugin Framework.
Everything is a plugin! Use assemblies, NuGet packages and C# Scripts as plugins in your .NET Applications.
Testing support for your Prise Plugins!
SDK for creating own SmartHomeApi plugins.
Whatfix Library for Xamarin.Android
An awesome and super simple jQuery slide show plugin. This plugin also takes advantage of unobtrusive JavaScript method as well.