Top 20 NuGet pdf Packages
This is My Created Library Project to take Easy Export To Excel And PDF from DataTable Type of Data.
I Use Pdfrpt.Core Depedecies , Thanks to All Contribute for PdfRpt.Core Depedencies.
I wish my Library can help you work and code.
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This is fork to change .NET Core to.NET Standard 2.0. Dotnetcore PDF html based generator. Uses the libwkhtmltox native libraries to genrate pdf data.
A wrapper around iTextSharp so that PDFs can be created using a fluent API
A package to create pdfreports from xaml-templates
Return PDF rendered from view, using Select.HtmlToPdf.
Add "using static LMT.AspNet.ViewToPdf.PdfView;" for convenience.
Checkout demo here:
ImageResizer's PdfiumRenderer required the pdfium.dll to be present. This package will putt the required pdfuim.dll in the bin folder
Package Description
Using the IFilter interface to extract text from various document types.
This package is not uploaded by the author, just fill the gap.
You can vist author's article:
Free dotNetCore library for digitaly sign pdf files with X509 certificates. This library is a dot net core wrapper on JSignPdf java application.
iText is a PDF library that allows you to CREATE, ADAPT, INSPECT and MAINTAIN documents in the Portable Document Format (PDF), allowing you to add PDF functionality to your software projects with ease. We even have documentation to help you get coding.
iTextSharp 4.1.6 with unethical reading option
Util to print PDF documents using SumatraPDF CLI
Reporting Library v2
This is class library build top of wkhtmltopdf.exe driver. Build HTML string to pdf by rendering advance javascript and stylesheets
Ink coverage for .NET
Using AlmightyPDF to create your first pdf document:
using almightypdf.Models;
using almightypdf.Services;
IPdf pdf = new Pdf();
pdf.CreateAndSavePDF(PdfElements pdfElements);
String Header
String Body
String Footer
String Stylesheet
Int HeaderHeight
Int FooterHeight
String FileN...