Top 20 NuGet pdf Packages
WkHtmlToXSharp's Linux 64Bits natible library bundle.
Integration layer for Pkcs11Interop and iText (iTextSharp) libraries
Extension methods for PDFSharp to support and simplify some common operations including image extraction.
Evolution of RazorPDF package, compatible with iTextSharp 5 and above.
Wkhtmltopdf cross-platform C# wrapper for .NET Core.
Convert HTML to PDF by WkHtmlToPdf for ASP.NET Core on Azure Web Apps (Windows). Forked from Rotativa. Target for .NETStandard 2.0.
PDF Clown is a free/libre open source implementation of the Portable Document Format (PDF) specification published by Adobe® Systems Inc., written as a class library in multiple languages (Java™ 6 and C#/.NET 4.0).
This is an unofficial port to .NET Standard 2.0.
PdfAValidator is based on VeraPdf and is an open source conformance checker for PDF/A files. It is designed to help archives and libraries check that their PDF/A collections conform to the appropriate ISO 19005 archiving standard specification.
A bundled copy of wkhtmltox.dll for use with TuesPechkin.
Native 64-bit PDFium DLL without V8 or XFA support for usage with the PdfiumViewer project.
DoddleReport adds tabular reporting over any LINQ Query, IEnumerable, DataTable or SharePoint List, exportable to HTML, PDF, Excel, CSV or your own custom type.
See DoddleReport.Web for great Web reporting support, and the other DoddleReport packages for even more Report Writers
Graphics Mill Windows Controls is a set of Windows Forms controls which helps you creating image processing user interface in desktop applications. Bitmap Viewer control displays a bitmap on the screen with zoom, scroll and crop functionality. Vector Objects module allows working with composite imag...
Graphics Mill Web Controls is a front end for Graphics Mill image processing library. Set of web controls allow viewing and editing graphics. Use Bitmap Viewer allows to display, zoom, crop and apply different effects on bitmap images. AJAX Vector Objects allows viewing and editing composite images ...
.NET text extraction framework
The #1 OCR Component - Asprise OCR (optical character recognition) and barcode recognition SDK offers a high performance API library for you to equip your C# VB.NET as well as C/C++/Delphi applications with functionality of extracting text and barcode information from scanned documents.
You c...
Client/server side PDF printing in pure JavaScript.
1. Link to pdfmake.js and vfs_fonts.js files
2. Get to work!
pdfmake is based on a truly amazing library - credits to @devongovett.
Big thanks to @yelouafi for making this library even better.
PDF can be made by simply returning return new PdfResult() in ASP.NET MVC which will show a PDF in
the browser or you can use PdfBytes class to get html converted to pdf bytes .
There are multiple overloads available for you to select an data object or a action other than your current o...
pdfSweep is an iText add-on that allows you to permanently remove or black out sensitive data from your PDF documents.
PDF Clown is an open-source general-purpose library for manipulating PDF documents through multiple abstraction layers, rigorously adhering to PDF 1.7 Specification (ISO 32000-1). Available for Java and .NET platforms.