Top 20 NuGet pcl Packages

Provides a cross-platform and cross-UI framework common base class for ICommand implementations, and a BindableBase class for your view models.
PortableExtensions is a set of .Net extension methods build as portable class library. PortableExtensions enhance the .Net framework by adding a bunch of methods to increase developer’s productivity.
Simplify your developments with this collection of helpers and extensions methods.
It's a fluent Dependency Injection container, which is easy to use and understand. It's also a cross-platform class library.
(Deprecated - please use DarkSkyApi instead.) A portable class library for the API.
A library for easy initialization of SharpDX device/context on C#/XAML projects. Supports Windows Phone Silverlight, Windows Store and Universal projects.
Footprints ServiceCore Toolkit is a cross platform portable class library that helps developers integrate with BMC FootPrints ServiceCore.
A lightweight implementation of ASP.NET MVC APIs for mobile devices.
Remark: Updated by Delegate A/S in order to use with .NET 4.5.2 (postfixed with Prime to avoid misunderstandings). Portable.Licensing.Prime is a cross platform software licensing framework which allows you to implement licensing into your application or library. It provides you all tool...
Portable math library for game development. Part of TOE: Tiny Open Engine.
Extended entry, originally based on XLabs extended entry control
Select or take photos, originally based on media picker from XLabs
A portable way of accessing common device functionality for client applications
StyleId Generator for Xamarin.Forms allows you to generate strongly typed StyleId references for your UITest project.
Simple library for working with the ComicVine API in C#. (Portable Class Library PCL)
MathNet.Numerics is a battle-tested library for numerics in C# and provides its own random number generation system. This extends DiceNotation to use its RandomSource instead of .NET's; with this you can still use the default PRNG with `SystemRandomSource` but also supports custom and tunable random...
StringReverse is a unicode aware/compatible string reverse extension.
Fibonacci is a sequence generator that is performant from Int32 all the way up to BigInteger.
# PM> Install-Package FizzBuzzer
This portable (Profile 158) assembly provides objects used to design geographic applications.