Top 20 NuGet parser Packages

Package Description
.NET Compilers Toolset Package. Referencing this package will cause the project to be built using the C# and Visual Basic compilers contained in the package, as opposed to the version installed with MSBuild. This package is primarily intended as a method for rapidly shipping hotfixes to...
Package Description
The package of Cascade library. It allows to read text files and convert to hierarchical tree format.
Type-based recursive descent parser for .NET. Lexico generates the parse grammar using attributes and produces object instances when applied.
Class library to work with SVG data.
Simple abstraction for parser implementation.
Injection interfaces.
A package, which includes helpful auxiliary methods.
Simple expression evaluator for C#
Parser Generator for C#, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, Go, Python using a unified grammar
ANTLR 4 parser generator command line tool.
Library to read TPI and DAT files which was made by TT Team on C&C Renegade.
Provides a parser for recipe ingredients.
library for working with Origami Internal Language
Public Interface of Sdk Resolvers in IeXod project. Alternative to Microsoft.Build.
ASDML parser for .NET