Top 20 NuGet orm Packages

The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
Generic Repository and UnitOfWork Pattern implementation with base classes for Entity Framework
NLite.Data Framework 是一个轻量简单易用的开源Linq ORM数据访问组件,支持Nullable类型和枚举类型,对Linq的谓词提供了完美的支持,旨在让绝大部份的主流数据库都使用 Linq 来进行程序开发,让开发人员访问数据库从SQL中解放出来,易学易用上手快,配置简单,并且提供了源代码下载,方便定制。支持多数据库,目前支持Access、SQLServer、SqlCE、SQLite、MySQL、ORACLE,未来还会支持更多的数据库。 设计理念 一: 约定胜于配置 连接字符串的配置完全遵循.Net 的...
Easiest and fastest Micro ORM, you've got the queries, you've got the objects, take the best of two worlds ! This is the SQL Server Compact database provider.
ELinq 是一个轻量简单易用的开源Linq ORM数据访问组件,支持Nullable类型和枚举类型,对Linq的谓词提供了完美的支持,支持根据实体类自动建库建表建关系,支持根据数据库通过T4模版自动生成实体代码,旨在让绝大部份的主流数据库都使用 Linq 来进行程序开发,让开发人员访问数据库从SQL中解放出来,易学易用上手快,配置简单,并且提供了源代码下载,方便定制。支持多数据库,目前支持Access、SQLServer、SqlCE、SQLite、MySQL、ORACLE,未来还会支持更多的数据库。
DCommon data adapter for Entity Framework
DCommon data adapter for NHibernate
Fast and configurable repository implementation for multiple types of data sources.
The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
F# DB Access Library for Global Transactions
The core of FastDAO, an object-relational mapper for the .NET framework
OleDb adapter for FastDAO, an object-relational mapper for the .NET framework
Set of extension methods representing a lightweight orm and a migration framework, for use with Dapper.
MS SQL HierarchyId methods support for NHibernate
Trivial micro-orm implemented on Dapper, provides with CRUD helpers.
Business Logic Toolkit AzureSql Data Provider for .NET
An extension of the NCommon container adapter for Unity
An updated version of the NCommon extensions for ASP.Net MVC
A extension of the NCommon container adapter for Ninject
An extension of the NCommon container adapter for StructureMap