Top 20 NuGet options Packages

Component Parameterisation for C#
Automatically binds all Options models in a Options namespace to there corresponding Sections in the configuration.
A generic DriverOptions Class for passing capabilities to generic/remote WebDrivers
Extends AutoFixture with the ability to register mocked ASP.NET Core Options.
Extends Autofac with the ability to register mocked or null-patterned ASP.NET Core Options. This package is for Autofac version 5. For an identical API on Autofac version 4, see `FGS.Tests.Support.Autofac4.Mocking.Options`.
Provides the ability to configure configuration-based Options with Autofac-based dependency injection. An Autofac-specific alternative to `Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions`.
Extension to FluentValidation to validate your configuration on startup.
Package Description
Use POSIX style command line options and map to Microsoft configuration builders.
Integrate Mono.Options into the dotnet core configuration builders.
An extensible replacement for the CommandLineProvider fixing the wacky multiple argument notation and bringing together some widely used command line parser and the modern extensible configuration world of dotnet core.
Integrate CommandLineUtils into the dotnet core configuration builders.
Provides additional configuration specific functionality related to Options using Json.NET. It's an alternative for Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions.
Allows you to manage a fake investment portfolio while investing in stocks, bonds, and options.
DI Friendly implementation of the options pattern
Automatically expand environment variables in configuration files
Determine configuration file section name for an option class and bind the section to the class
Simple API for handling command line options
Extends Autofac with the ability to register mocked or null-patterned ASP.NET Core Options. This package is for Autofac version 4. For an identical API on Autofac version 5, see `FGS.Tests.Support.Autofac.Mocking.Options`.