Top 20 NuGet object Packages

A generic state machine framework.
Package Description
A easy-to-use and high performance Micro-ORM for .NET
SenseLab - Common functionality
Simple, extensible .net object storage using json or whatever other serialization you want Support for in memory transactions for insert/update/delete
Extensions of Qwiq.Linq providing identity assistance in LINQ.
A LINQ query provider to simplify querying for work items
UWP specific implementations for the QIndependedStudios.Obex library.
.NET blocking, light weight, thread safe object pool.
This package contains the Office SharePoint Tools for the SharePoint Client Side Object Model libraries for 2013 (on-premises)
Create an PaintingControl and add several PaintingObjects containing visual objects. The PaintingControl has some user actions that can be enabled/disabled. Also you can completly customize the drawing process of an PaintingObject. It is very simple to use.
Extension methods for System.Object
Elementary Compare provides reflection based object comparision algorithms.
Query HTTP api using GraphQL with C# defined models.
Cross platform wrapper of Yolo/Darknet (Real-Time Object Detection) for CSharp. Only GPU with CUDA computation available. Need OpenCVSharp-AnyCPU in the version For more information :
Derungs.H2o RestEase integration