Top 20 NuGet orm Packages

it solves object-relational impedance mismatch in yours unit-tests. freeware, as is, no warranty.
Mapping framework of Detail relationships for ORM (EntityFramework, NHibernate, etc).
Andamio.DAO is an abstraction over Entity Framework that follows the paradigms of the Data Access Object pattern.
This is the alpha version. Currently it is in a testing process
Micro ORM to Oracle
Smart 是一个免费、开源、快速、简单、面向对象的轻量级.NET开发框架。
Object Relational Mapped Monitor Extension Library
Map a hierarchy of entities when loading from a SQL connection. Also grab PicnicOrm.Dapper for a IGridReader implementation using Dapper.
A collection of different packages for an automation suite. Please refer to the dependencies for their Owners. I in no way take ownership over their work.
Entity Framework Code first get started project structure such as: - ApplicationDbContext - ApplicationDbInitializer - BaseEntity
Base classes of the EASE framework
A strongly-typed DB query interface based on Dapper. Similar to LinqToSQL.
PandoraDb is a easy handling data access framework, based on ADO.NET. It means that PandoraDb is faster and lighter than others framework.
A high performance Micro-ORM
Deft is a microlight and high-performance ORM for .NET
Timple Model Extensions
Persistence layer for sitecore using glass.mapper
Provides CRUD wrappers around the Dapper Micro-ORM, and SQL generation for Selects built from C# expression trees. Built from a fork of Dapper.Contrib