Top 20 NuGet oauth Packages

ASP.NET 5 middleware that enables an application to support Yandex's OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
Third Party Login Plug-In for .NET,include Tencent's QQ,Sina's weibo,Baidu's Account
Partial .NET implementation of OAuth 2.0 RFC 6749
Build claims for authenticated user and construct a user object from claims.
Slack OAuth provider for OWIN to use with ASP.NET 4.5
Lazy authentication OAuth2 allows you to easily add OAuth to your owin projects.
Facebook OAuth provider for OWIN to use with ASP.NET 4.5
ASP.NET 5 middleware that enables an application to support Yandex's OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
Azure OAuth2 helper to obtain acess token
OAuth MessageHandler for dotnetcore; a minimal implementation of the OAuth 1.0 standard for use with HttpClient
Allows you to perform user authentication via DigitalOcean, Facebook, Foursquare, GitHub, Google, Instagram, LinkedIn, MailRu, Odnoklassniki, Salesforce, Twitter, VK (Vkontakte), Windows Live, Yandex just in two method calls.
ASP.NET 4.x Resource Server components for consuming OAuth tokens genetrated by an Authorization Server based on OAuth.AspNet.AuthServer
Package Description
Implementation of Spotify authorization flows for UWP apps.
Implementation of Spotify authorization flows for ASP.NET Core apps.
EasyOAuth Framework is an OAuth-compliant application framework for application needs to integrate APIs for service providers require OAuth authentication.
Provides OAuth2 login support for various external sites.
AngularJS starter kit Spa secured client