Top 20 NuGet nuget Packages

This is a NuGet packages merge utility which lets you merge two .nupkg packages (two .NET Framework Versions) into a single .nupkg package.
A tool to naively modify nuspecs
This is a prefix for nuget modules.
Metafuse test Package thing
Nuget repository
WixNuGetPackager enables the distribution of Windows Installer XML (WiX) libraries and extensions using NuGet packages. WixNuGetPackager is itself distributed as a NuGet package which can be installed in WiX library or extension projects. Once installed in a project, WixNuGetPackager extends the bui...
Framework for UI Automation Testing. Web, Mobile, Desktop
Packs a NuGet-package after a successful build in 'Release' to solution-root\NuGet-packed. NuGet.exe has to be installed and on the PATH.
Chocolatey MSBuild Targets
Framework for UI Automation Testing. Web, Mobile, Desktop
Framework for UI Automation Testing. Web, Mobile, Desktop
Framework for UI Automation Testing. Web, Mobile, Desktop
A package module for PsMake, enforcing the same *.nupkg packages version is used in multiple c# projects
Provides some basic validations for .NET solutions using NuGet packages.
Math school project
Create nuget package on build project with 'CreateNuget' configuration. Please try not to edit files inside Script folder. Specify nuget server path and api key inside Settings.xml in CreateNuget folder.For publishing package execute command 'Publish-Package -source "Nuget server path" -apiKey "api ...