Top 20 NuGet node Packages

Core dependency for other MSBuild.NodeTools targets
Portable and standalone node+npm+git for Front end dev and msbuild integration
automation, performance, race and test extensions for dapper-net / dapper-js node project.
Ferramenta para criar e administrar matchs em nodes
This NuGet package provides MSBuild targets to set up Node.js.
A library that implements a Hierarchical object model for any Entity Class.
Adds Nodeconfig json environment variable to the configuration appsettings.
a package manager for node
Redistribution of Node executables.
Dependency-free support for Gulp.js, Grunt.js, Node.js, and NPM
This package provides all native binaries and internal scripts needed to run Edge.js. This package copies the 'edge' folder to the build directory and creates a link in the project root to make debugging possible.
.NET client for jsii runtime
SuperSistem Turtle Network
Extension to Provide features to do XML operations in Thaan RPA
Net Standard library to help manage a hierarchy of nodes.
This library manages to create, read and modify xml files
This library provides the necessary API to communicate with the node host environment when running in a CLR hosted by the `coreclr-hosting` node module.