Top 20 NuGet netcore Packages

CexCore is .NET Core wrapper over CEX.IO API for trading.
Scaffolding to support sub-collections in Azure Cosmos DB. Sub-collections can enable cost reductions, particularly for small deployments with small Azure Cosmos DB provisioned throughput.
Этот пакет содержит русские вспомогательные сборки для System.ComponentModel.Annotations
base lib for suites.core
Package Description
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NS.OpenXML.Bookmark is a small .Net library that fills bookmark content on word document using open xml.
NS.OpenXml.ExcelInterop is a small .Net library that imports and exports excel files using open xml.
NControl is a Xamarin.Forms wrapper control built around the NGraphics library enabling developers to create custom controls without the need for custom renderers.
Plato.Serializers .NET Core library
Plato.Configuration .NET Core library
Plato.Async .NET Core library
Library for building serialized node trees from path lists.
ReflectInsight .NET Core
Defines contracts for metrics-capturing components to be used alongside Functional.CQS handler implementations: - IUniversalMetricsCapturingStrategy - IMetricsCapturingStrategyForQuery<TQuery, TResult> - IMetricsCapturingStrategyForCommand<TCommand, TError>
Provides metrics-capturing decorator implementations for Functional.CQS handler implementations: - IQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> - IAsyncQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> - ICommandHandler<TCommand, TError> - IAsyncCommandHandler<TCommand, TError>
Defines contracts for infrastructural components required for Functional.CQS.AOP caching. - IFunctionalCache - IInvalidateFunctionalCacheItem<TQuery, TResult> - IInvalidateFunctionalCacheItems - ILogFunctionalCacheExceptions - ILogFunctionalCacheItemInvalidationOperations - ILogFunctionalCacheItemRe...
Provides the IQueryResultCachingStrategy<TQuery, TResult> contract for defining caching strategies used for Functional.CQS handler implementations: - IQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> - IAsyncQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult>
Cross-platform ANSI-based multicolor terminal library