Top 20 NuGet net Packages

The build-time development dependency that generates code for projects consuming Code Generation attributes.
A class library that aims at reducing the development time and lower the skill floor by abstracting the set-up for creating a discord bot client to smaller digestable chunks.
A .Net Standard Google Tasks API
The purpose of this package is to allow a ListView-type-control to behave like a TreeView and display hierarchical data. This is particularly useful if you want to adapt a GridView to behave like a TreeView. See documentation for examples
Pure .NET library to work with WebHDFS
Provides abstraction layer for various ag.DbData components.
Provides basic REST client methods using generics.
Library of psychrometric functions to calculate thermodynamic properties of air for .net.
Extensions for IEnumerable and collections.
A .Net toolkit library for accessing Google Forms pages programmatically.
🌋 - (Build for netstandard2.1) Lavalink wrapper for Discord.NET. Provides more options and performs better than all .NET Lavalink libraries combined.
This package is the windows platform implementation of the NeatInput project. A .NET standard library to easily monitor keyboard and mouse input.
My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC versioning components.