Top 20 NuGet native Packages

VTK is an open-source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization.
An octree is a tree structure for storing sparse 3-D data.
This version is for Windows desktop applications using Visual Studio 2019 (16.11) or Visual Studio 2022 and supports Windows 10 / Windows 11 including both DirectX 11 and DirectX 12. DirectXMesh, a shared source library for performing various geometry content processing operations including generat...
wxWidgets is a widget toolkit and tools library for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for cross-platform applications
This version is for Windows desktop applications using Visual Studio 2019 (16.11) or Visual Studio 2022 and supports Windows 10 / Windows 11 including both DirectX 11 and DirectX 12. DirectXTex, a shared source library for reading and writing .DDS files, and performing various texture content proce...
Package contains the libmp3lame dll. Which is also used in NAudio.Lame. Installing the package could solve the libmp3lame copy issue in NAudio.Lame package under PackageReference.
PHP 7.3 TS development package.
PHP 7.3 NTS development package.
in-memory Kraken decompression library
A build of GD library for Stone Steps Webalizer.
native safe/unsafe winapi functions and more
native safe/unsafe winapi functions and more
Third party dependencies which are required by ROOTMAP and available via vcpkg. This package was produced by vcpkg NuGet export for x86-windows and modified to include documentation.
Google Test Framework, compiled for VC++2017