Top 20 NuGet native Packages

Feature checking macros for various C++ toolchains
Enables Win32 applications to access the Windows::Devices::Midi API when running on Windows 10.
A set of APIs that allow you to provide simulated data to Windows.Perception APIs for your app. Required for Holographic Remoting.
⏱ Superfast ^Advanced wildcards++? `*,|,?,^,$,+,#,>,++??,##??,>c` ... Unique algorithms that was implemented on native unmanaged C++ but easily accessible in .NET through Conari (recommended due to caching of 0x29 opcodes + related optimizations) etc. ✔ regex-like quantifiers and amazing meta symb...
Gumbo - A pure-C HTML5 parser.
Mersenne-Twister random number generator from C++11 in .NET
Python2.7 unofficial dev environment package x64 and x86
This version includes the source files
Python 3.6 API
SOIL is a tiny C library used primarily for uploading textures into OpenGL. It is based on stb_image version 1.16, the public domain code from Sean Barrett. I have extended it to load TGA and DDS files, and to perform common functions needed in loading OpenGL textures. SOIL can also be used to save ...
Redistributable components for package 'protobuf.cpp'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
protobuf_vc14 2.5.0, including headers and libs
The reflection-based C++ unit testing framework. SlothUnit aims to be really simple to use, expressive and easy to setup. More than anything, trying to be really familiar to your usual C++ code, so you are not required to study it in-depth to be able to start using it fluently (no learning cu...
a3d Runtime Library.
OpenBLAS Libraries for Windows (Haswell and Sandybridge architectures)