Top 20 NuGet netstandard Packages

A client library for the ebay API targeting .NET standard 2.0.
NS.OpenXML.Bookmark is a small .Net library that fills bookmark content on word document using open xml.
NS.OpenXml.ExcelInterop is a small .Net library that imports and exports excel files using open xml.
WeAreOne is a radio station family hosted in Germany. Probably the most famous radio station is the TechnoBase.FM, but there are 6 more: ClubTime.FM, CoreTime.FM, HardBase.FM, HouseTime.FM, TeaTime.FM and TranceBase.FM. With this library You can access all 7 radio's tracklist.
NControl is a Xamarin.Forms wrapper control built around the NGraphics library enabling developers to create custom controls without the need for custom renderers.
Library for building serialized node trees from path lists.
A library to manage files in an organized, efficient and simple manner.
Defines contracts for metrics-capturing components to be used alongside Functional.CQS handler implementations: - IUniversalMetricsCapturingStrategy - IMetricsCapturingStrategyForQuery<TQuery, TResult> - IMetricsCapturingStrategyForCommand<TCommand, TError>
Provides metrics-capturing decorator implementations for Functional.CQS handler implementations: - IQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> - IAsyncQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> - ICommandHandler<TCommand, TError> - IAsyncCommandHandler<TCommand, TError>
Defines contracts for infrastructural components required for Functional.CQS.AOP caching. - IFunctionalCache - IInvalidateFunctionalCacheItem<TQuery, TResult> - IInvalidateFunctionalCacheItems - ILogFunctionalCacheExceptions - ILogFunctionalCacheItemInvalidationOperations - ILogFunctionalCacheItemRe...
Provides the IQueryResultCachingStrategy<TQuery, TResult> contract for defining caching strategies used for Functional.CQS handler implementations: - IQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> - IAsyncQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult>
Small generic interfaces and common utilities for building .net applications
A .NET Standard fork of CSharpOsu
Custom calendar control for Xamarin.Forms. Customizable border thickness, color, background colors and formats. Version 1.0.8 or lower Built against: Version 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 Built against: -> Forked from original project by RebeccaXam Version 1...
sqlite-net2 allows applications to manage data in SQLite databases using Entity Framework like queries, but much lighter
This abstract appender uses concurrent collections and tasks to enable asynchronous and concurrent batch processing of LoggingEvents. The configuration enables to specify: - the max number of concurrent processors (tasks) that are handling log batches - the max logs batch size - the appender closin...
Provides the ability to send HttpWebRequest and get HttpWebResponses without a server. You can mock all available properties from HttpWebResponse .Net object with a json configuration file. This tool is not intrusive. With dependency injection you can simply switch between your own implementation o...
Report exporters for TinyBenchmark. Export as: - json
OAuth authentication for popular services. LinkedIn v2, GitHub, Facebook v3.3, Google v2