Top 20 NuGet netstandard Packages

A simple async/await, unit-test friendly timer implementation
.NET Core interception framework
A simple cross-platform money struct based on Martin Fowlers's Money pattern
Serviço para Obter informações de pacotes dos correios Brasileiros.
MongoDb storage provider for generic OData API implementation
Syslog provider for .NET Standard 2.0 logging subsystem This provider will send log messages to a Syslog server via UDP protocol. Note: For now it supports .NET Standard 2.0 and later (versions before 2.0 are not supported yet)
A steamworks interop library. MAKE SURE YOU ALSO INSTALL THE PACKAGE "SteamworksSharp".
`IServiceCollection` extensions for using `UoN.VersionInformation` with .NET Core Dependency Injection.
.NET Standard solution for loading data from an arbitrary source (via an implemented provider) and returning it as a .NET Object.
Unofficial Amazon Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) for .NET. This is a core package which doesn't contain native executable, you also need to install separate package to run under specific platform (ex. KinesisProducerNet.Linux).
Contains EFCore base classes for MR.AspNetCore.Jobs.
Api to get data from Nintendo eShop
Provides a "Console TraceListener" implementation which optionally colorizes output according to `TraceEventType`.
A thread-safe, multi-process(ish) persistent queue, based very heavily on . forked from
A C# wrapper for the official Clash Royale API
A Photon plugin for invoking DotNet.
C# client library for EOSIO blockchains. The library is based on and MIT licensed.