Top 20 NuGet name Packages

Provides better code maintainability by simple yet powerful .Params() string extension to supplement/replace string.Format(). Accepts numeric, named and reference parameters. More details and examples in XML tooltips. NUMERIC EXAMPLE: return "test={0}".Params("value"); returns ["test=value"] NAMED...
Extention methods for IDbDataRecord
Simple implementation of Name-Value pair object.
VB.NET source file that contains an extension method that replaces accented characters within a string through non-accented ones, which is useful to create logon names, email addresses etc. German upper-case umlauts like "Ä" are converted either to "Ae" or "AE" depending the context, "ß" analogousl...
Set class active to nav menue in Mvc with Htmlhelper
Strong Namer will automatically add strong names to referenced assemblies which do not already have a strong name. This will allow you to reference and use NuGet packages with assemblies which are not strong named from your projects that do use a strong name. NOTE: This fork use MsBuild 12 instead...
เพิ่ม "คุณ" ให้กับชื่อของคุณๆ เหมาะสำหรับใช้ระบุชื่อบุคคลด้วยความสุภาพ เช่น "นายสุเทพ".AsKhun() ได้ "คุณสุเทพ" ไม่ใช่ "คุณนายสุเทพ" และ "คุณัญญา".AsKhun() ได้ "คุณคุณัญญา"
A small library which provides for name matching using hypocorism
PAckage Contain class to get full name
Get name and age only
First Version
Corvinus Base Framework
.NET Standard 2.0 Implementation of random asset name generation similar to the way Docker works.
Class library to assist with generation of common world objects.
Basic wrapper for the API of, an online random name generator.
Source code package. An extension for getting a bound object from a specified configuration section key in the given IConfiguration.
Can generate user-friendly .NET type name and aware of C# keywords. Add this package to your core library, so it would get the source code of this module without installing a binary dependency. Then proceed with using corresponding functionality from Atom.Util namespace, like if it was installed us...
A .NET Standard 2.0 library that enables checking terms and abbreviations for existence against a glossary of approved terms and abbreviations. In addition, the glossary has methods to abbreviate terms or expand abbreviations based on the GlossaryItems in the glossary. It was designed for checking d...
Helps creating random strings.