Top 20 NuGet monitoring Packages

Rollbar collects errors that happen in your application, notifies you, and analyzes them so you can debug and fix them.
With AppDynamics for Windows Azure, users can now: - Monitor the health of their Windows Azure solution - Troubleshoot performance problems in real time - Rapidly diagnose root cause of performance problems - Dynamically scale up and scale down their Windows Azure application...
Monitors exceptions in your application and automatically collects snapshots for offline analysis.
Elastic APM for ASP.NET Full Framework. This package contains auto instrumentation for ASP.NET Full Framework. See: for setup
Add distributed tracing to ASP.NET Core applications
Steeltoe Management ExporterBase - Base Package
Rollbar collects errors that happen in your application, notifies you, and analyzes them so you can debug and fix them.
StackExchange.Redis instrumentation for OpenTelemetry .NET
Library of components that facilitate remote interaction with a Windows Service from Console, Windows and Web applications.
Site24x7 APM Insight's .NET Core Agent supports tracking requests, errors, external calls and exceptions in the .NET Core applications hosted on Windows and Linux environments. Find installation instructions in
Zipkin exporter for OpenCensus
Abstractions for application management and monitoring
ASP.NET instrumentation for OpenTelemetry .NET
CloudMonix is a sophisticated Microsoft Azure monitoring and automation product. This is the official public API client to manage CloudMonix objects and data.
An open-source plugins and extensions library for AnyStatus. For more information visit
.NET library for sending logging context data to New Relic
Rollbar collects errors that happen in your application, notifies you, and analyzes them so you can debug and fix them.
gRPC for .NET client instrumentation for OpenTelemetry .NET
Base package for enabling request tracing in distributed systems.
Abstractions for use with dynamic logging