Top 20 NuGet mongodb Packages

ServiceCollection extensions
Simple MongoDB versioning & migrations
The bot filesystem - MongoDB Wrapper
A MongoDB provider for ASP.NET Core 2 Identity framework.
A wrapper of MongoDB.Driver, aimed to streamline the process of accessing and modifying documents in a MongoDB database.
F# wrapper over MongoDB.Driver
Package Description
Bunch of serializers of F# types to MongoDB
Thin layer over MongoDB driver for .NET. It is mostly extension methods and builders. It allows to query MongoDB more easily.
Makes it possible to run unit test on a real MongoDB Instance without mocking the persistence layer.
Persistence framework and mocking
Real-time chat server based on MongoDB and SignalR with support of permissions.
Productivity Tool: MongoDb Extensions
MongoDb implementation of View Store.
MongoDB utilities to apply optimistic concurrency when updating and deleting entities using a version property.
A pre-configured user administration section for ASP.NET websites (both MVC and WebForms) using MongoDB Membership and Role Providers. (Requires .NET 4 Framework) See the project page for an example ASP.NET MVC app which uses MongoWSAT.
Simple implementation of .Net MembershipProvider for MongoDB
MongoDB OData provider