Top 20 NuGet mongodb Packages

FileContext is a data access layer (DAL) Framework for rapid data driven application development (RDDAD) append to EntityFramework.
MongoBasic is a cross-paltform (.NET and Mono) light facade on top of the Mongo C# Driver. It was mainly built to eliminate some of the verbosities of working with the original Mongo C# driver.
Custom serialization when NMoneys objects are to be serialized/deserialized using MongDB's legacy driver.
HumbleConfig is a simple abstraction on top of multiple config sources
Custom serialization when NMoneys objects are to be serialized/deserialized using MongDB's new serialization library.
MongoDb MessageData repository implementation for MassTransit
V3ctor WareHouse .NET Sdk
dotMongo is a C#.NET open source project that (tries to) extend and simplify MongoDB database function calls for .NET developers. The project wraps around the MongoDB .NET Driver (v2.2.3) and handles; - Creating MongoDB client and connecting to the database by parsing an XML configuration Connection...
FileContext.MongoDb is a data access layer (DAL) Framework for rapid data driven application development (RDDAD) (MongoDb Store Provider).
EnjoyCQRS.EventStore.MongoDB is an Event Store implementation using MongoDB.
Paquete base para el manejo de cache, ese paquete contiene el tipo CacheMemory pero permite el manejo de otras caches (Redis, MongoDB)
Light abstraction on top of MongoDB to provide basic message queue functionality.
Provides strong types and repository access for mongo DB and Azure Cosmos DB, which is both weak typed. You can have all the sources with examples from here:
An NLog target for MongoDB supported name collection as date(eg. Log${date:yyMMdd}) supported customized MongoDB connection string provider.
Database context for MongoDB. Help developer work with MongoDB easier
Cars Event Store implementation with MongoDB
Integration to MongoDB
A mongoDb provider for Core 2.0, allows you to create MongoDb's contexts, repositories and integrate with Identity.
SaanSoft.AspNet.Identity3.MongoDB: A MongoDB implementation for Microsoft.AspNet.Identity database layer.