Top 20 NuGet mongo Packages

This is a fork of RobIII's MongoRepository that targets MongoDB.Driver 2.x. RobIII's MongoRepository is an easy-to-use library that implements the repository pattern on top of Official MongoDB C# driver.
MongoDB data store adaptor for ASP.NET Core Identity
Mongo repository for the FastDFS
This is a MongoDB CRUD operation library where easily connect with MongoDB and perform CRUD operation and some awesome features.
Mongo Sanitize (mongo-sanitize) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
MongoDb based identity framework for Asp.Net Core 2, forked from the excellent work from Matteo Fabbri
Easy to use mongo repository
MongoCRUD is a high level library to make easy basic operations like create, update, update partial by query, upsert, delete, delete by query, get, search with paging and sorting, and filter buiders.
Dermayon Library is Libray for supporting build large application,distributed application, scalable, microservices, cqrs, event sourcing, including generic ef repository pattern with unit of work, generic mongo repository pattern with unit of work, kafka, etc
A simple implementation of a destructurer for Mongo exceptions.
A C# implementation for mongo migrations
Bson serialization and MongoDB query rendering for NMoney
Mongol is a wrapper for the MongoDB Official C# Driver which makes it very easy to create repository pattern classes around strongly typed collections for POCO objects. Mongol also includes lambda-based property name resolution for building MongoDB Query/Update operations without magic strings...
Настройки web.config для модуля Meerkat.Core.Mongo
Squire mongo windsor extensions.
Use MongoDB as the read store and data store in CQRS.NET
Use Ninject as your IoC container of choice with MongoDB for CQRS.NET
This package contains cached repository which is based on Repository.Mongo package. Cache object should be based on Microsoft.Extensions.Caching
Temporary fork of MongoDB driver with a fix for lookup foreign fields
An easier way to integrate MongoDB.