Top 20 NuGet module Packages

Allows to structure web applications into smaller chunks and segments
Allows to render custom error pages
Provides a simple graphical, recursive view on a folder and the files stored in this directory.
Allows to compress generated content using various algorithms.
Provides basic services such as redirects
Reads and writes .NET assemblies and modules, Windows PDBs and Portable PDBs. For better *Windows PDB* writer support, you should add a reference to `Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native` nuget package too, see the dnlib README for more info: . You don't need to...
This is the Domain module of the Shared framework.
ASP.NET unit of work modules for CoreDdd library
Mdbc is the PowerShell module based on the official MongoDB C# driver. Mdbc makes MongoDB data and operations PowerShell friendly.
Spell-checker. FarNet module for Far Manager.
Editor and line editor tweaks. FarNet module for Far Manager.
Shows folder sizes chart. FarNet module for Far Manager.
Search in FarNet panels. FarNet module for Far Manager.
Editor color tools. FarNet module for Far Manager.
Copy editor text with colors as HTML. FarNet module for Far Manager.
FarNet module and script template for C# and F# projects.
Cake Module that extends Cake with ability to install tools using dotnet cli.
AuditLog Application
Abp 自定义菜单模块
Abp 自定义菜单模块