Top 20 NuGet microsoft Packages

Release version of the ODataLibraries, for the CRM and Graph REST API
Microsoft CNTK CPU-only Model Evaluation Libraries (no GPU required)
Microsoft Enterprise Library is a collection of reusable application blocks designed to assist software developers with common enterprise development challenges. This release includes: Caching, Cryptography, Data Access, Exception Handling, Logging, Policy Injection, Security, Validation, and Unity.
Read text from Microsoft Office doc type format example: var text = new Doc().Parse("document.doc"); or string text; var isParsed = new Doc().TryParse(docBytes, out text);
An Adc provider for the MCP3008 chip for use with Windows IoT Core. This project is originally created by Microsoft, but placed into Nuget by Chris Pietschmann since he wanted to use it, but for some reason Microsoft hasn't actually put it into Nuget yet.
An Adafruit BME280 (Pressure, Temp and Humidity) Sensor library for Windows IoT Core
These are the official TypeScript definitions for the Bing Maps V8 SDK. These can be used to provide intellisense functionality to your IDE.
The AdScheduler contains JavaScript which works with the MediaPlayer available in the Microsoft\TVHelpers github project (, allowing you to insert video ads into your video content. NOTE: The Video Ad Scheduler has a dependency on the Microsoft Store Services ...
.NET Client Library for Azure HDInsight HBase clusters.
The package contains a library of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 SDK, needed to develop plug-ins: - Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.dll - Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll
Framework for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013, 2015, 2016 and Dynamics 365
Currently it supports below query mappings: primitive: field => c.field parent/child => c.parent.child Namespace.EnumType'enumVal' => 'enumVal' queries: $select => SELECT $filter => WH...
This library is based on the official Azure Storage library ( with Azure Table functionality removed in order to get rid of OData and System.Spatial dependencies to allow it to build on Linux
The Microsoft Store Services SDK includes advertising and engagement frameworks. After adding this NuGet to your project, add a reference to the extensions you want, such as "Microsoft Advertising SDK for XAML" or "Microsoft Engagement Framework" (may require reopening project).
Lightweight wrapper library for Microsoft Concept Graph API in .NET C#.