Top 20 NuGet microsoft Packages

This package contains the DRIVE.NET build of Microsoft.AspNet -- the runtime assemblies for ASP.NET.
Provides APIs and components for interoperation with other data formats.
SheetToObjects is a library which aims to provide developers with an easy solution to map sheets (Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, csv) to a model/POCO.
Microsoft Unity ioc container preconfigured library for dependency injection control for any .net application that follows .net standard
Superfast way to join a table with an object list
more365 enables communicating with Microsoft 365 services from a server-side application (aspnetcore / Azure Functions) For Example: Azure AD Authentication using Certificates from Key Vault, Dataverse Queries and Web API Batches, SharePoint File Upload / Download, Graph API convert to PDF and send ...
more365 enables communicating with Microsoft 365 services from a server-side application (aspnetcore / Azure Functions) For Example: Azure AD Authentication using Certificates from Key Vault, Dataverse Queries and Web API Batches, SharePoint File Upload / Download, Graph API convert to PDF and send ...
more365 enables communicating with Microsoft 365 services from a server-side application (aspnetcore / Azure Functions) For Example: Azure AD Authentication using Certificates from Key Vault, Dataverse Queries and Web API Batches, SharePoint File Upload / Download, Graph API convert to PDF and send ...
Provides access to Office automation functionality, converts from .doc to .docx
MSTest V2 Test Framework Extensions.
SignalR Core support for ASP.NET Core Blazor. (fork of Blazor.Extensions.SignalR)
A .NET library that provides additional functionality for interacting with Azure Cosmos DB.
Implementation of CQELight abstractions for IoC with the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection package.
Superfast way to join a table with an object list
Provides an output implementation that sends diagnostics data Azure Monitor Logs Service.
A managed client library that makes it easy to work with the Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech Services Speech to Text API on Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and Xamarin.Forms, UWP, and/or .NET Standard projects.
The build-time development dependency that generates code for projects consuming Code Generation attributes.
An ASP.NET Core Model wrapper to take all the hard lifting away.
AspNetCoreCache is a ASP.NET Core cache wrapper for quick and effective cache usage. It deals with all the hard work for having sourced caches and a cache manager to make life easier.