Top 20 NuGet microsoft Packages

A thin layer facade of the Microsoft Azure IoTHub C SDK
Powershell advanced functions to split and to merge XPO files contains AOT objects of Microsoft Dynamics AX (Axapta) 3.0, 4.0, 2009, 2012
Anetta is a tool for extending Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection DI capabilities with annotations.
Microsoft ASP.NET Core logging provider extension for Litex projects based on LiteX.Log and Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
Leverage user-centric API analytics to drive adoption, usage, and retention, including: - Gain visibility into API adoption and usage - Quickly debug functional and performance issues - Monitor for issues impacting customers - Create live dashboards and share with col...
Provides an input implementation for capturing diagnostics data sourced through System.Diagnostics.Inputs.Log4net infrastructure.
Microsoft Azure Storage repository classes.
Microsoft Azure DocumentDb repository classes.
This package contains binding extensions for Cosmonaut's CosmosStore for Azure Cosmos DB.
A supercharged .NET SDK for Azure CosmosDB with ORM support
Provides a replacement supported implementation of DirectLineClient similar to the no-longer supported Microsoft.Bot.Connector.DirectLine package that is fully .NET Standard compliant and up-to-date Activity models. Also provides a high level abstraction for managing conversations using Direct Line,...
This package contains the abstract codes you need to create OData client.
Class library supporting Microsoft cards.
This package contains the interfaces V2 required by Service Fabric's ReliableCollections APIs.
Microsoft Graph Communications Client Library - The Communications Calling stateful SDK Media extensions. This library allows developers to use the Calling SDK and gain direct access to the audio, video, screen sharing, and data streams. Note: You may not use this SDK to record or otherw...
Class library to support building applications and services related to Microsoft Azure Cognitive Search.