Top 20 NuGet microsoft Packages

This package contains APIs to create OData Edm (Entity Data Model) using C# types, attributes and conventions.
Microsoft DependencyInjection support for of MicroBus
This is a portable class library which makes it easy to access the Bing Maps Spatial Data Services from .NET.
A dotnet core adapter for apache storm multilang protocol.
A set helpers and tools for the Microsoft Azure platform.
A client SDK for Microsoft Azure Search.
Build tasks and targets for running tests with Test Platform
Serilog extension to enable logging through serilog for Microsoft Azure WebJobs.
This package contains everything you need to create OData endpoints using ASP.NET Web API and to support OData query syntax for your web APIs.
ORM and LINQ Provider. Features: Auto Mapping, Generate Classes from Tables, Generate Tables from Classes, Synchronize Classes to Tables, Generic ADO.NET Wrapper, LINQ Provider support for SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, VistaDB, Firebird, SQLite, and Microsoft Access.
Microsoft Xml Document Transformation (XDT) enables transformig XML files. This is the same technology used to transform web.config files for Visual Studio web projects.
Web Deployment Framework
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
Meta package containing all VSSDK Reference Assemblies
Makes it easy to manage Azure Search services and API keys from a .NET application.
AsNet.Shared es una librería que contiene funcionalidad de código comun como, Entidades de Resultado de capa de datos, negocio, DI services y helpers, Extensiones de Lenguaje .Net, Image Tools, Criptografía, entre otras utilidades de código.
Provides developers with a library to create and manage all Azure Event Hubs resources. Note: This client library is for EventHub under Azure Resource Manager. Development of this library has shifted focus to the Azure Unified SDK. The future development will be focused on "Azure.ResourceManager....
Microsoft WebDriver : Close the loop on your developer cycle by automating testing of your website in Microsoft Edge with Microsoft WebDriver.
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
A generic, concurrent, portable and flexible Object Pool for .NET. This package contains an adapter for Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool abstraction.