Top 20 NuGet microsoft Packages

This library contains shared unit tests for the Omex System library
This library contains shared code for Omex libraries.
Shared unit tests for the Omex Gating library
This library provides a gating mechanism that can be used to switch application features or code paths on/off depending on user request details
This library contains wrapper APIs over Microsoft Azure Document Db .Net Client SDK
Generates strongly typed gates from a gates xml.
This library contains shared AspNetCore code for Omex libraries.
GroupeTI abstraction layer for Microsoft Graph SDK and Microsoft Graph REST API.
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
Network Controller is a fully managed networking solution that allows customers to programmatically view, control, change, and monitor your entire Azure network centrally and with ease.
You can easy use common operation ON MS SQL Server
Package Description
Windows System Insights capability for anomaly detection in physical disk latency.
Windows System Insights capability for anomaly detection in physical disk IOPS.
Provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration to support concrete objects.
This package contains an ASP.NET MVC application which shows you how to use the features in ASP.NET Identity. Install this package in an empty ASP.NET project.