Top 20 NuGet microsoft Packages

CSM/Resource Groups-compatible library. Provides management capabilities for Intune services.
Provides Devices service management (Fluent) capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
NOTE: This package has been deprecated, and the functionality from this package has been added to the main Data Lake Store package. Please use Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Store package instead. Provides tool capabilities for Data Lake Store Uploader services, enabling rapid upload of data i...
Provides CustomerInsights service management (Fluent) capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
Provides developers with libraries to create and manage Namespaces and manage Authorization Rules. Note: This client library is for CustomerInsights under Azure Resource Manager.
Provides CognitiveServices service management (Fluent) capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
Provides management capabilities for Azure Batch AI.
Provides azure backup management capabilities.
Provides AnalysisServices service management (Fluent) capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
Legacy package, Microsoft.Azure.Jobs.ServiceBus is now included in the 'Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.ServiceBus' package.
Legacy package, Microsoft.Azure.Jobs.Core is now included in the 'Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Core' package.
Legacy package, Microsoft.Azure.Jobs is now included in the 'Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs' package.
Provides capabilities to query Microsoft Azure gallery.
This client library enables client applications to connect to Microsoft Azure App Service.
C++ client for ASP.NET SignalR.
C++ client for ASP.NET SignalR.