Top 20 NuGet microservice Packages

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Monitoring extension for Obvs, using Windows Performance Counters.
Monitoring extension for Obvs, using Elastic.
A container used to host an Orleans Microdot service which uses Ninject for dependency injection. Incoming HTTP calls (via Gigya.Microdot.ServiceProxy) are handled and processed inside Orleans and are then dispatched to specific Grains. Part of the Microdot framework.
Tools to help write tests for Microdot services. The project contains logic for both Orleans and Non-Orleans host testers.
This library contains the Xigadee connectors for Azure Storage, i.e. Queue, Table, Blob etc.
UnitOfWork for Microservices. All microservices in the system should and can use Unit of Work pattern. This package implements this pattern.
UnitOfWork for Microservices. All microservices in the system should and can use Unit of Work pattern. This package implements this pattern.
UnitOfWork for Microservices. All microservices in the system should and can use Unit of Work pattern. This package implements this pattern.
Base authorization entities for Microservices. All microservices in the system should and can use Unit of Work pattern. This package implements this pattern.
Package Description