Top 20 NuGet metadata Packages

Provides functionality related to Physical layer of CILAssemblyManipulator (CAM) framework. This is the lowest abstraction level of CAM, and the provided functionality allows directly manipulate metadata tables, rows, and signatures.
Provides functionality related to Logical layer of CILAssemblyManipulator (CAM) framework. The metadata types, methods, fields, etc are represented by high-level abstract API similar to the one in System.Reflection namespace of .NET framework. Additionally wrapping of native reflection elements (typ...
Reads header information from JPEG’s such as, width & height dimensions (resolution). It only takes details from the jpeg headers. Making it fast, with low memory usage, because it does no image processing. Supports .Net standard 1.0 and above. No unsafe context code. Under MIT licence. Unit teste...
ShairportSync.TrackInfoReader is a shairport-sync metadata parser which provides track information (artist, album, song title, artwork image, etc.) as Rx ( IObservable<TrackInfo> ). This library works on .NET Standard 2.0 compliant platforms like .NET Core 2 / Mono. i.e. works on Raspberry Pi 2 / 3...
This package extends MSBuilder.GenerateAssemblyInfo to also generate a static `ThisAssembly.Metadata` class with the `@(AssemblyAttribute)` attributes that have `Include="System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttribute"`. So for an attribute like: [assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttri...
.NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") support for C#, Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.dll. Keyword aliases added, see More details at This package was built from the source at
more365 enables communicating with Microsoft 365 services from a server-side application (aspnetcore / Azure Functions) For Example: Azure AD Authentication using Certificates from Key Vault, Dataverse Queries and Web API Batches, SharePoint File Upload / Download, Graph API convert to PDF and send ...
.NET Standard 2.0 library for reading/writing SharedStreets tiles.
Provides a ConventionHostBuilder that can be used during unit tests or anywhere else you wouldn't bootstrap an entire application
Corsinvest for Proxmox VE Metadati Api
Adds support for configuring web jobs to the hosted application by convention.
Adds support for configuring web jobs to the hosted application by convention.
Library for the easy use of the Nancy.Metadata.Modules package.
This package provides extension and static methods to enable custom, strongly typed metadata objects to be associated with enum instances. Now supports .Net 4, .Net 4.5 and NetCore 4.5 (Windows Store)
This package provides sample code exercising and unit tests validating the EnumMetadata.Core package. The EnumMetadata.Core package itself contains extension and static methods to enable custom, strongly typed metadata objects to be associated with enum instances. Now supports .Net 4, .Net 4.5 and ...
A number of extensions to the existing HtmlHelper class, which allow a developer to directly generate HTML 5 input tags tied to a models value. Also includes additional metadata functionality to define placeholder text, validation patterns and min, max and step values. N.B. For the date-orientated ...
EFHooks simplifies the task of hooking code into EF Code First's extension points and separates concerns to make it easy to unit test your hooking code.
Retrieves metadata for Windows games using, receiving the game's .lnk shortcut path as input.
TypeLib Information library v1.1.81.69. TypeLib library allows you to query COM servers using reflection like syntax to dynamically get information about exported classes, methods, properties and other data.