Top 20 NuGet messaging Packages

A set of messaging pattern implementations built on PRI.Messaging.Primitives
Eventing library, with support for MsSql and MySql. Ideal for implementing, eventdriven architectures, pub-sub, microservices, etc.
The reference port of x2 written in C# targeting universal .NET environments.
RabbitMQ transport for EzBus
The Lightstreamer .Net Standard Client SDK allows to subscribe to real-time data pushed by a Lightstreamer server and to send any message to the server. The library offers automatic recovery from connection failures, automatic selection of the best available transport, and full decoupling of subscri...
Library to facilitate push notification using Google's Firebase Cloud Messaging. Biblioteca para facilitar envio de Push Notification usando o Firebase Cloud Messaging do Google
Enables access to performance counters
Plexus Interop Broker Binaries
M2Mqtt is a MQTT client available for all .Net platform (.Net Framework, .Net Compact Framework and .Net Micro Framework) and WinRT platform (Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1) for M2M communication.
Advanced .Net API for RabbitMQ
Reactive Extensions (RX) with NetMQ as the transport layer. Send messages anywhere on the network!
High performance Redis client, incorporating both synchronous and asynchronous usage.
.NET Microservices Framework
Assembly containing base types used for publishing and subscribing to AMQP Hosts.
Implementation of RockLib.Messaging API that sends and receives messages using Kafka.
Class library providing a framework for building applications that can cooperate and solve problems in clusters. Communication between endpoints in clusters is performed using AES-256 encrypted datagrams over a predefined UDP Multicast channel. Only participants with access to the shared key can par...
Provides distributed message routing over Redis using StackExchange.Redis. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - RedisAppMessageRouter. Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructure for applications and application...
Do not reference this package directly, instead reference Orleankka.Runtime.Legacy
Twino Messaging Queue Client to connect all TMQ Servers
Provides a RabbitMQ transport implementation for Rebus