Top 20 NuGet messagebox Packages

This package contains some C# source code that uses various settings objects of the Two-Layered GUI Toolkit to define dialog boxes. They are used by the GUI toolkit-specific sample packages.
A .NET/Mono library that provides frequently used dialogs and GUI components. All dialogs are provided in two layers, an abstract description layer and a toolkit-specific GUI layer. This package contains a Windows Forms GUI layer.
A .NET/Mono library that provides frequently used dialogs and GUI components. All dialogs are provided in two layers, an abstract description layer and a toolkit-specific GUI layer. This package contains a WPF GUI layer.
Extends functionality of Windows Forms and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
CrossPlatformLibrary.Callouts is a cross-platform abstraction for message boxes, toasts, callouts.
Material Message Box for WPF and Silverlight
Themable user notifications WPF control through pop-up elements
Features and functionality complementing MVVM Dialogs
Show, close material dialogs & messages box, dialog identifier.
A .NET/Mono library that provides frequently used dialogs and GUI components. All dialogs are provided in two layers, an abstract description layer and a toolkit-specific GUI layer. This package contains types that constitute the abstract description layer.
Note: This is the .NET 2.0/3.5 version. It provides the same base functionality and is extended with, for example, custom buttons, or personnalized icons. You can customize your InformationBoxes with custom screen position, or custom button placement. And there are many more features ! Information...
Adds MessageBox, InputBox, PasswordBox to your project (+password generator)
A native MVVM-based Message Box for WPF
A WPF message box, with optional features like custom buttons, textbox and checkbox.
Five typical dialog boxes: - Error DialogBox - Information DialogBox - Question DialogBox - Warning DialogBox - Password DialogBox - Password with cofirmation DialogBox The sets of buttons that are available in each type of dialog box: - OkButon - OkCancelButton - YesNoButton - YesCancelButton - Y...
Extension of Windows Forms. - Messagebox
Turns a Blazor Component into a Modal Dialog. Async methods allow dialogs to return values. Allows nested dialogs (i.e. a dialog can open a child dialog). Supports Blazor WebAssembly and Server. Includes Windows style Message Box for quick user feedback.
MessageBox e InputBox para WPF customizados com o MaterialDesignInXAML
Customizable mesage box for wpf applications